ProShare Annual Conference 2024 ‘Plans for Growth’

Wednesday 25th September 2024 – London

Submission deadline – 5.00pm Wednesday 26th June 2024

We are very pleased to announce that this year’s conference will be held on Wednesday 25th September and, once again, we’ll be at etc.venues, 155 Bishopsgate, London, close to Liverpool Street Station.
By the time conference takes place, the UK will have a newly installed government. Growth will have been a central theme in all the party manifestos, and one of the hot topics throughout the election campaign.
ProShare invites companies and organisations of all sizes, industry leaders, and experts to contribute to a comprehensive exploration of the topic ‘Plans for Growth’.
Our Conference will cover a wide ranging look at all aspects of growth, including financial, economic, and personal, as well as productivity growth, development, and expansion across the wider employee share plan sector.

Why participate?

• Influence Policy and Practice: Shape the conversation on how employee share ownership can drive economic and financial growth.
• Showcase Innovation: Highlight your company's - or your client’s - successful employee share plans and their impact on growth.
• Network: Connect with industry peers, policymakers, and thought leaders.
• Gain Insights: Learn from diverse perspectives, compelling conversations, and expert case studies.

Potential topics include:

• Financial Growth: Analysing the impact of share plans on company performance and increased productivity.
• AI for Growth: Businesses using AI in operations and service delivery are seeing growth exceeding 12%. What are the benefits for our sector?
• Employee Engagement: Investigating the effects of share ownership on employee motivation, engagement, and productivity.
• Global Perspectives: Comparing international trends and best practices in employee share ownership.
• Communicating a Share Plan Successfully: Showcasing best new comms initiatives.
• Diversity and inclusion: considerations in designing, communicating, and expanding the reach of share plans.
• Financial Capability: new developments in understanding how employee share plans fit into financial wellbeing and capability, enhancing financial resilience.
• Discretionary Plans: broadening the use of discretionary plans beyond the top table.
• PISCES: What are the opportunities?
• A Job for Life: how to develop a career and build your network in the share plans and incentives sector.
• International Expansion: Navigating regulatory and cultural differences.
• Economic Growth: Exploring how employee share ownership contributes to national and local economic development.
• Corporate Governance: Examining the influence of employee share ownership on corporate decision-making and governance.
• Policy and Regulation: Discussing current frameworks and proposing changes to foster wider adoption of employee share plans.

The topics listed above are only suggestions, so please do feel free to put forward other ideas too. And whilst the overall theme of the conference is ‘Plans for Growth’ - and we will have a stream of related sessions throughout the day - we will, as always, include a range of sessions that offer the most compelling, innovative, and engaging options that will be of interest to our wider share plan community.
This year our delegates will have a choice of around 20 break-out sessions, each half an hour long.

Case studies and submissions focussing on companies that issue share plans are especially welcome, as they bring to life the challenges and opportunities encountered in the real world, offering great examples of best practice to delegates. In a tight choice between speaker submissions, having plan-issuer speaker(s) confirmed could give your submission the edge over others.
At this point we only require the basic first draft of your proposed session(s).

Please send an email to with the completed submission template.

Submission deadline – 5.00pm Wednesday 26th June 2024

Please note that we will only accept three session submissions per organisation, so ensure you submit your strongest candidates!

I do hope you take this opportunity to contribute to an essential discussion on growth and employee share ownership. Your participation will help shape and influence the future of the industry in this crucial election year.

The number of submissions received often outstrips the time available on the day. If we can’t fit your proposed session into the conference schedule, then we may suggest a standalone webinar or roundtable discussion as an alternative way of giving great topics and engaging speakers the opportunity to interact with ProShare’s growing audience.

Many thanks for your continued support and interest in our conference.

Murray Tompsett
Head of ProShare