Conference Subjects

ProShare Annual Conference 2021

‘Employee Share Plans: the Next Chapter’

Suggested topics

 Share Plans: building financial resilience for plan participants
 Furlough, lay-offs and redundancies; how best to engage with a wary workforce?
 COVID-19 and ESP: what have we learned?
 Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance: best for the planet and your workforce?
 The future of LTIPs in a volatile market
 Tackling inequality – pay ratios, gender and race pay gap reporting
 Tech advances in plan administration
 Financial education in practice – case studies on different approaches to delivery
 Free shares for all! What to consider when launching a free share plan
Rewarding your key workers – latest trends in plan design
Removing barriers to share plan participation
EMI in the spotlight
Save as you Earn: fighting for survival?
Mobile employees: tracking and reporting for tax purposes
Launching plans in private companies
Diversification in difficult times
Working from home: the new normal?
Quantifying the impact of employee share plans on companies’ financial and stock market performance
The perfect all-employee share plan; what would it look like?
Workplace engagement – physical, virtual or hybrid?
ESO and building back better
Share Plans in Financial Services and Banking
Malus & clawback in practice – case studies and lessons learnt
SMEs & unlisted companies – case studies on how (and why) they operate plans and internal market
Demographic change and the future of the workplace
Charitable donations via share plans
Using tech to tackle the challenges around financial reporting for share-based payments
How to promote a plan in a falling market
Life after Brexit – the impact on plans
Employee, worker, contractor…shareholder?
Employee activity at maturity/vest – trends analysis
Creativity and its role in share plan design and communications
The FX effect… how to manage currency (and share price) volatility in the context of global allemployee plans
What next for discretionary plan design?
In-house versus outsourced – administering your plans
Investors’ governance priorities – less carrot, more stick?
Day-to-day in-house share plans practice – getting it all done
The ‘hot seat’ – RemCo chairs and committees, the role of remuneration consultants and plan design
Global compliance – getting it right first time, every time
Can share plans really impact the economy?